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List of Travel Agency in Philippines

1. What are travel requirements for Philippine citizens with tourist-purpose visas?

  1. Unexpired DFA-issued passport (at least six-months valid)
  2. Unexpired visa (if visa-required at final destination); and
  3. Return ticket.

2. When are additional documents required?

Consistent with anti-human trafficking, -human smuggling, and -illegal recruitment laws, additional documents shall be required after (1), when:

a. Passenger discloses a doubtful, false or suspect travel intent;

b. Passports and travel documents/visas are counterfeit, fraudulent, falsified, simulated or tampered; and

  1. Passenger’s totality of circumstances manifests a well-founded certainty of human trafficking, smuggling or illegal recruitment.

2.1. What are considered under 2(c)?

  1. Age/Health;
  2. Educational attainment;
  3. Financial capability for travel;
  4. Travel history, if any; and
  5. Final destination.

3. What are documents required for sponsored-travel?

a. Philippine Embassy or consulate-authenticated Affidavit of Support with Undertaking showing:

  1. 4th civil degree of consanguinity relationship between sponsor and the passenger, e.g., pinsang buo or affinity, e.g., bayaw/hipag/biyenan);
  2. Sponsor’s financial capacity and legal status; and
  3. Sponsor’s contact information; and/or

b. Philippine Embassy or consulate-authenticated Affidavit of Support with Undertaking showing:

  1. Sponsor’s financial capacity and legal status;
  2. Sponsor’s contact details; and

c. Sponsor’s corporate registration papers, if applicable.

d. In cases of a local sponsor traveling with the passenger, a duly notarized Affidavit of Support and Undertaking which shall contain the following:

  1. Sponsor’s financial capacity;
  2. Sponsor’s undertaking is for passenger’s tourist travel with intent to return;
  3. Sponsor’s complete residential address of the sponsor and contact details; and
  4. Sponsor’s corporate registration papers, if applicable.

4. What are OFW travel requirements?

  1. Unexpired passport;
  2. Unexpired and POEA-conforming visa;
  3. Validly-issued travel tickets; and
  4. POEA/PESO-database issued E-receipt or OEC.

5. What are departure requirements for emigrant Philippine citizens?

  1. Immigrant visa or residence card;
  2. CFO-emigrant registration sticker (ERS); and
  3. Validly-issued travel ticket.

The ERS is obtained by:

a) Registration at Commission on Filipino Overseas (CFO); and

b) Attending the Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS).

  • Children of emigrants aged 12 years or below are exempted from attending the PDOS but shall register.
  • Children of emigrants aged 13 years or above shall attend the Peer Counseling Program.

6. When shall a DSWD-travel clearance for travelling Filipino minors be required?

A Filipino minor (below 18 years of age) shall secure a DSWD-issued Travel Clearance if:

  1. A Filipino minor is traveling ALONE to a foreign country; or
  2. A Filipino minor is traveling to a foreign country accompanied by a person other than his/her parents.

Note: For more information, you may click following link:

7. What are exceptions to the DSWD-issued Travel Clearance?

These minor children shall be exempt from the DSWD-issued Travel Clearance:

  1. Those of Philippine Foreign Service or diplomatic corps officials;
  2. Those living abroad with Philippine emigrants, subject to child-trafficking regulations;
  3. Those with unexpired alien passports;
  4. Adopted children, subject to a court-issued adoption order with Certificate of Finality;
  5. Illegitimate children with biological mother. For biological father, subject to proof of lawful custody;
  6. Those with proof of unexpired visa for permanent residence outside the Philippines;
  7. Those accompanied by a court-appointed guardian, subject to proof of guardianship;
  8. Those accompanied by a solo parent, subject to a Social Welfare Office-issued ID. If illegitimate, subject to a Local Civil Registrar-issued Certificate of No Marriage.

8. Who must present a Travel Authority?


Issuing Authority

Cabinet members and equal-ranked officials

Office of the President

OP-attached GOCC and GFI heads

All OP-attached agency heads

GOCC and GFI officials and employees

GOCC or GFI head

officials and employees of GOCCs and GFIs attached to the Office of the President

Heads of GOCCs and GFIs

Officials and employees of agency heads

Department head

Provincial Governors and Mayors of Highly Urbanized Cities or independent component cities

DILG Secretary

State University and College (SUC) heads

CHED Chairman

Officials and employees of State University and Colleges

Respective SUC heads

Technical and Vocational School (TVS) heads

TESDA Chairman

officials and employees of Technical and Vocational Schools

Respective TVS heads

Government officials and employees traveling abroad while on leave of absence

Respective department heads

Government officials and employees with the rank of Assistant Secretary and above who will travel abroad while on leave of absence

9. What are arrival requirements for Philippine-destined alien tourists?

9.1. For aliens with diplomatic or bilateral agreements with the Philippines:

  1. Unexpired entry visa; and
  2. Validly-issued return ticket.
  • Non-visa required aliens shall be admitted an initial 30-days.
Source: www.immigration.gov.ph
Zoe Mei - Boracay Hotels - WOW Philippines Travel Agency
Zoe Mei - Boracay Hotels - WOW Philippines Travel Agency
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Mitras Ranch Palawan City Tour - WOW Philippines Travel Agency
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