List of Travel Agency in Philippines
1. What are travel requirements for Philippine citizens with tourist-purpose visas?
- Unexpired DFA-issued passport (at least six-months valid)
- Unexpired visa (if visa-required at final destination); and
- Return ticket.
2. When are additional documents required?
Consistent with anti-human trafficking, -human smuggling, and -illegal recruitment laws, additional documents shall be required after (1), when:
a. Passenger discloses a doubtful, false or suspect travel intent;
b. Passports and travel documents/visas are counterfeit, fraudulent, falsified, simulated or tampered; and
- Passenger’s totality of circumstances manifests a well-founded certainty of human trafficking, smuggling or illegal recruitment.
2.1. What are considered under 2(c)?
- Age/Health;
- Educational attainment;
- Financial capability for travel;
- Travel history, if any; and
- Final destination.
3. What are documents required for sponsored-travel?
a. Philippine Embassy or consulate-authenticated Affidavit of Support with Undertaking showing:
- 4th civil degree of consanguinity relationship between sponsor and the passenger, e.g., pinsang buo or affinity, e.g., bayaw/hipag/biyenan);
- Sponsor’s financial capacity and legal status; and
- Sponsor’s contact information; and/or
b. Philippine Embassy or consulate-authenticated Affidavit of Support with Undertaking showing:
- Sponsor’s financial capacity and legal status;
- Sponsor’s contact details; and
c. Sponsor’s corporate registration papers, if applicable.
d. In cases of a local sponsor traveling with the passenger, a duly notarized Affidavit of Support and Undertaking which shall contain the following:
- Sponsor’s financial capacity;
- Sponsor’s undertaking is for passenger’s tourist travel with intent to return;
- Sponsor’s complete residential address of the sponsor and contact details; and
- Sponsor’s corporate registration papers, if applicable.
4. What are OFW travel requirements?
- Unexpired passport;
- Unexpired and POEA-conforming visa;
- Validly-issued travel tickets; and
- POEA/PESO-database issued E-receipt or OEC.
5. What are departure requirements for emigrant Philippine citizens?
- Immigrant visa or residence card;
- CFO-emigrant registration sticker (ERS); and
- Validly-issued travel ticket.
The ERS is obtained by:
a) Registration at Commission on Filipino Overseas (CFO); and
b) Attending the Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS).
- Children of emigrants aged 12 years or below are exempted from attending the PDOS but shall register.
- Children of emigrants aged 13 years or above shall attend the Peer Counseling Program.
6. When shall a DSWD-travel clearance for travelling Filipino minors be required?
A Filipino minor (below 18 years of age) shall secure a DSWD-issued Travel Clearance if:
- A Filipino minor is traveling ALONE to a foreign country; or
- A Filipino minor is traveling to a foreign country accompanied by a person other than his/her parents.
Note: For more information, you may click following link:
7. What are exceptions to the DSWD-issued Travel Clearance?
These minor children shall be exempt from the DSWD-issued Travel Clearance:
- Those of Philippine Foreign Service or diplomatic corps officials;
- Those living abroad with Philippine emigrants, subject to child-trafficking regulations;
- Those with unexpired alien passports;
- Adopted children, subject to a court-issued adoption order with Certificate of Finality;
- Illegitimate children with biological mother. For biological father, subject to proof of lawful custody;
- Those with proof of unexpired visa for permanent residence outside the Philippines;
- Those accompanied by a court-appointed guardian, subject to proof of guardianship;
- Those accompanied by a solo parent, subject to a Social Welfare Office-issued ID. If illegitimate, subject to a Local Civil Registrar-issued Certificate of No Marriage.
8. Who must present a Travel Authority?
Employee/Official/Officer |
Issuing Authority |
Cabinet members and equal-ranked officials |
Office of the President |
OP-attached GOCC and GFI heads |
All OP-attached agency heads |
GOCC and GFI officials and employees |
GOCC or GFI head |
officials and employees of GOCCs and GFIs attached to the Office of the President |
Heads of GOCCs and GFIs |
Officials and employees of agency heads |
Department head |
Provincial Governors and Mayors of Highly Urbanized Cities or independent component cities |
DILG Secretary |
State University and College (SUC) heads |
CHED Chairman |
Officials and employees of State University and Colleges |
Respective SUC heads |
Technical and Vocational School (TVS) heads |
TESDA Chairman |
officials and employees of Technical and Vocational Schools |
Respective TVS heads |
Government officials and employees traveling abroad while on leave of absence |
Respective department heads |
Government officials and employees with the rank of Assistant Secretary and above who will travel abroad while on leave of absence |
9. What are arrival requirements for Philippine-destined alien tourists?
9.1. For aliens with diplomatic or bilateral agreements with the Philippines:
- Unexpired entry visa; and
- Validly-issued return ticket.
- Non-visa required aliens shall be admitted an initial 30-days.

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