EXTERIORS of the heritage DOT

Department of Tourism Manila

Travelers often find it helpful to obtain travel information from tourist centres or visitor information booths. This is often more helpful than obtaining information from guidebooks or the Internet due to the visitor's ability to ask specific questions and have them answered by a live customer service representative in real time. Travellers interested in taking advantage of this option should contact the Philippines Department of Tourism for Manila. The Philippines Department of Tourism has an information desk at T1 of NAIA Manila airport, making it easy to obtain information upon arrival in the area. (More information about airport arrival is online at

Where to find the Department of Tourism:

The new link has some good information.

Visitors travelling throughout the Philippines can visit the main branch of the Department of Tourism in the city of Rizal Park to obtain extensive information about travel in the area. Information about other locations of the Philippines Department of Tourism throughout the Philippines is online at addition to offices in the Philippines, the Philippines Department of Tourism has numerous offices throughout the world for the convenience of foreign travellers. Offices are located in such diverse cities as San Francisco and Los Angeles in The United States and Singapore, Tokyo and Taiwan. More information about foreign offices is online at information about the Department in general is available online at or by phone at 2/523-8411 or 2/524-1660.

Source: www.tripadvisor.com
Shell Eco-Marathon in partnership with Department of Tourism
Shell Eco-Marathon in partnership with Department of Tourism
Department of Tourism (DOT) ad
Department of Tourism (DOT) ad
MTV Philippines Department of Tourism
MTV Philippines Department of Tourism
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