Malaysia flight times

India to Philippines Travel time

Please note: this page displays the approximate non-stop flight duration times. The actual flight times may differ depending on the type and speed of the aircraft.

To see the travel time and distance between other cities in India and Philippines use the distance calculator below:

Some travel tips for international travel:
  • Get the right travel insurance. Check whether your medical insurance covers international travel. if not, it is wise to have a travel insurance. Travel insurance covers against personal, baggage and cancellations.
  • Make sure you do not exceed the baggage allowance.
  • Arrive ta least two hours before the departure to allow enough time for check-in, Customs and immigration, etc..
  • Know the exact time difference between your city and the place you are travelling to.
  • Have copies of your passport and other travel documents.
  • Always have a (digital) back up of your important travel documents.
  • Carry sufficient amount of local cash.
  • Have a charger adapter. Some countries have different size plugs.

  • Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL)
  • Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (BOM)
  • Chennai International Airport (MAA)

Ice Queen Time Travel India - Friv.Today
Ice Queen Time Travel India - Friv.Today
time lapse photography | India + Philippines
time lapse photography | India + Philippines
Philippines travel
Philippines travel
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