Top 5 Most Beautiful Beaches

Beautiful beaches in the Philippines

2014-08-12-ProvidencialesTurksCaicosDanielEstradaCastao.jpg1.) Grace Bay, Turks & Caicos
Everyone who sets foot on the white sands of Grace Bay comes to the same conclusion: this is paradise. Not only is the beach incredibly long and relatively crowd-free, it's also surrounded by reefs that'll make any avid snorkeler drool. (Photo by Daniel E. Castaño)

2.) Navagio Beach, Greece
Surrounded by white limestone cliffs and clear blue waters, Navagio Beach on the Greek isle of Zakynthos is undoubtedly the most famous beach in Greece, and perhaps the most photographed beach on Earth. One look and it's not hard to see why! (Photo by Terry Bamforth)

3.) Isola dei Conigli, Italy
Isola dei Conigli, a small islet off of Lampedusa, Italy, is home to some of the Med's most dramatically beautiful beaches. While it's becoming increasingly popular, its relative istolation and status as a protected nature reserve means that you can enjoy this island paradise in peace. (Photo by Lucio Sassi)

2014-08-12-ShipwreckBeachGreeceTerryBamforth.jpg4.) Jericoacoara, Brazil
The golden sand dunes of Jericoacoara, Brazil are worth the trip, but the real reason most tourists visit is to take a dip in the warm waters of Lagoa do Paraiso, an impossibly-clear lagoon filled with public hammocks. Can you imagine a better place for an afternoon nap? (Photo by Aloha Eveline Padilha)

5.) Matira Point, French Polynesia
Though Bora Bora is usually the haunt of celebs and jetsetters lounging on idyllic private beaches, there is a public beach that's every bit as stunning: Matira. As one traveler put it: "Heaven exists, and it's in the middle of the South Pacific." (Photo by Lo Stampa)

6.) Île Plate, Mauritius
Just off the northern tip of Mauritius, Robinson Crusoe wannabes will find Île Plate, a white-sand island paradise that's also one of the country's top spots for snorkelers and divers due to its unique conditions which attract reef sharks and other marine life (Photo by Christophe Pibouleou)

7.) Ko Poda Beach, Thailand
The iconic karsts, photogenic long-tail boats, and crystal-clear waters of Ko Poda have made the island synonymous with tropical paradise. The abundance of rocks, reefs, and fish also assure that the underwater views are just as spectacular as those from your beach chair. (Photo by Naxos)

2014-08-12-IsoladeiConigliLucioSassi.jpg8.) San Blas Islands, Panama
Sure, these beaches are beautiful, but that means they're also crowded, right? Well, not in the case of San Blas Islands, an archipelago and natural park in the Panamanian Caribbean. With over 400 beautiful islands, you're sure to find your very own slice of desert island paradise. (Photo by Naxos)

9.) Los Roques, Venezuela
Though long popular among European and Latin American travelers, Venezuela's Los Roques Archipelago is still one of the Caribbean's best kept secrets. The real magic happens when the tides recede and dozens of white-sand keys appear amid the colorful Caribbean reefs. (Photo by Naxos)

10.) Anse Source D'Argent, Seychelles
Anse Source D'Argent is the classic Seychelles beach, pretty much guaranteeing it's among the most beautiful in the world. To get there, you'll pass through vanilla plantations and giant turtle reserves before finally reaching a series of paradisaical white sand coves divided by the islands' trademark boulders. (Photo by Lucio Sassi)

11.) Maya Bay, Thailand
Maya Bay's beauty is such that it managed to outshine Leonardo DiCaprio and become the real star of 2000's The Beach. While Maya Bay has experienced a boom in recent years, visitors in the off-season will still find the sheltered paradise made famous in the film. (Photo by Trevi)

12.) Ari Atoll, Maldives
Ok, so Ari Atoll isn't a beach proper, but rather a group of coral island surrounding one of the Earth's most beautiful lagoons. Rustic bungalows, bougainvillea, and nothing to do but eat, swim, and sprawl out on the fluffy white beach. There are over 20 islands with resorts, each more beautiful than the last! (Photo by Toy76)

2014-08-12-JericoacoaraBeachBrazilAlohaEvelinePadilha.jpg 2014-08-12-MatiraPointFrenchPolynesiaLoStampa.jpg 2014-08-12-lePlateMauritiusChristophePibouleau.jpg 2014-08-12-KohPodaThailandNaxos.jpg
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